4 Cheap Ways to Build a Sustainable House

Being more mindful about sustainability and environmentally conscious has been at the forefront of many industries over the past few years, and construction has been a major part of it. Many homeowners are now interested in building environmentally-friendly houses. Here are some ideas on how you effectively build a green home while on a budget.

Go up

When going green, you essentially want your house to cause the minimal environmental damage usually associated with construction. For this purpose, choose to build your house to go upwards i.e. to have stories rather than to have a bungalow that spans across the land. A storied house causes less soil damage as it goes into the air rather than on the ground. Also, since a foundation costs a lot of money to make, it is more affordable to construct a storied building rather than a ranch house.

Be Simple

Most people probably have their houses figured out and look forward to making their dreams come true. After constant perusal of many architectural magazines, it is easy to come up with trendy, expensive designs. With some of the most complicated interior designs, it is easy to use up many materials in order to accomplish the look desired as a reputable general contractor will tell you. If you are looking to go green, you might want to consider going for simpler designs.

Also, consider some principles of sustainable interior design:

  • Design for energy-efficient interiors. Energy consumption is one of the biggest sources of emissions that cause climate change
  • Design for the least impact on the environment. Use eco-friendly design elements that are eco-friendly. There are many labels, standards, and certifications that prove a product is sustainable.
  • Design for reducing waste. Up-cycled or sustainable materials are not only environmentally-friendly,. But also en vogue.

Go for environmentally friendly materials

sustainable home concept

When talking green, one cannot go on without mentioning the types of materials used. While you are still going for the best end results, you also want environmentally friendly materials that also save up on your accounts. For instance, using tiles made of natural linoleum for some spaces can save more compared to other materials. Consider sheet metal for your roofing rather than the asphalt which is considered a pollutant.

Use renewable energy sources

Electricity is not just expensive to keep up. When you finally have the resources to build your green home, solar panels are some of the best ways to consider it as an option for power in your home. Solar panels use the energy from the sun to make power to run your home. It is also a one in a lifetime investment so your panels can last a very long time with the right care, which is minimal. It is environmentally friendly and convenient.

Building your home is a life accomplishment for many and going green is one of the best ways to ensure that your people in the future also make their dreams come to life. It is a personal choice that goes a long way for your life, for the environment, and for those around you. You can also consult an expert to guide you on the same.

The Author

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