Renovation & Remodeling


Eco-friendly Ways to Improve Your Home

Do you plan to renovate your home? In that case, why not do it in a manner that does not cause harm to the environment? That’s right; it is possible to remodel a house that is both visually appealing and eco-friendly. Today, there are many home improvement practices offering green solutions. With the growing number

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Making Your Home Energy-efficient: What Should You Change?

In this fast-running modern world, people find ways to save some extra money yet not adjust to anything less. Energy-efficient households hold many benefits, including healthy living space, both for the mind and body. It is budget-friendly as you can reduce your bills by a significant margin. And for a great deal, conserving energy has the

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Promoting Sustainable Construction Through the Right Materials

Environmental preservation has been at the forefront of designers’ minds to contribute to the fight against global warming. Builders and designers have been using alternative building materials that are more earth-friendly and sustainable in the long run. The idea is to keep our carbon footprint as minimal as possible. And as we have seen bluer

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Green Infrastructure to Save the Planet

NASA cites the dire environmental predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) composed of over 1,300 scientists from the United States and various countries. The IPCC predicts that global temperature over the next century will rise 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the IPCC’s Third and Fourth National Climate Assessment Reports, this

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The Challenges in Building Sustainable Structures

The world is currently out of balance. Our Earth is slowly dying. Amidst the impressive achievements mankind has achieved over the years, it does not come without a cost. Ever since the birth of industry, we have been relentlessly cutting down our forests, contaminating our oceans, and polluting our air. Only 25 years have passed since

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Going Green and Building Environmentally Friendly Homes

In the past, environmental friendliness was a subject rarely mentioned, and those who voiced their concerns over environmentally harmful practices were immediately categorized as some sort of fringe element, “radical greenies” who were out to destroy our way of life with their ill-conceived agenda. Since those times of green marginalization, the wheel has turned full

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Greening Up Your Garage Remodeling Project

Homeowners these days would go on maintaining and improving their houses in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. They often start with the kitchen, the bathroom, and the bedroom. But then, one area we often take for granted is the garage. We only remember to remodel this place when there is now an immediate need for

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Eco Friendly Practices When Building Your Dream Home

Everybody dreams of living in a healthy environment. We all want to inhale the fresh air, drink clean water, walk under green trees and swim in crystal clear waters. However, human activities have brought destruction to the environment. Careless garbage disposal, illegal logging, and dynamite fishing are examples of these activities. The task of taking

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Sustainable Living: How Homeowners Make Their Homes Eco-friendly

During the pandemic, the boom in the real estate market allowed many Americans to own a home of their own. This positive development in the real estate market resulted in the highest number of existing-home sales in more than a decade. For eco-conscious buyers, they have to work on enhancing their homes to make them sustainable.

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