Creating Whimsical Gardens: Artistic Ideas for Gardening

Art takes on many forms. For the artist at heart, anything can be a blank canvas. One way toward self-expression is having a garden. Maintaining the blooms is in itself already an art. Some level it up by having a stunning landscape design for their Utah garden with the help of a professional. A beautiful vision becomes a reality as each element works together as a whole under an expert’s hands.

Others are more of the adventurous type; their art comes in unusual ways. With this, whimsical gardens are born. In this kind of garden, the visitors are in for some surprises as they spot uncommon things. If you want to try your hand and add some whim to your garden, here are some ideas:

A Themed Garden

You can show your favorite things in this type of garden. If you are a water lover, it is only natural to have some kind of water feature. You can also use shells for a certain pathway. Make a miniature lighthouse by stacking upturned clay pots and painting them.

If you are a book enthusiast, you can have a “book collection” by painting some bricks as faux books. Showcase your favorite titles. You can put this collection and a chair surrounded by some flowers. This is a perfect way to highlight a reading nook.

Another way to do a themed garden is to pick your favorite color and paint all the items in it. Have it on your fences, planters, chairs, and tables. Do not forget to plant flowers in that same color, too.


A Touch of Vintage

Do you want to have a classic look in your garden? Bicycles or wheelbarrows planters can serve as a focal point. A wooden stepladder with each rung used as a base for pots is also a great idea to go vintage. Feeling more adventurous? Use an old wooden door to hang some of your pots. In all these, the classic appeal of wood will come to life with a burst of colors from your blooms. It will be charming, indeed.

Going Beyond Pots for Planters

This concept is one of the easiest. You can refurbish old things and turn them into useful planters. Your imagination is your limit. Colorful boots or old tires will give a rough appeal to your garden. Ready to throw that old bathtub and those old galvanized tubs? Think again. This could be home to your plants. Having unconventional containers will have your guests take a second look.

Fairies Have Come to Visit

If you want to feel some magic in your garden, then you can have a fairy-themed one. As a focal point, you can create a miniature fairy garden—or two, if you cannot resist the urge. Fairy lights or fairy dust balls will also give a soft glow to your little patch of earth at night. Place some gnomes around your garden to complete the look.

Art Attack

Do you have a bare wall somewhere in your garden? Paint a mural on it. You can also create a path with painted stepping stones. Transform your walkway into a piece of art by creating a mosaic on it. If you are to incorporate all these, make sure that the concepts jive together. This garden museum is a good conversation starter.

The key here is balance. Consulting a professional might also come in handy even in whimsical gardens. You would not want to draw so much attention to your “art pieces.” Pick the right blooms and complement them with your whimsies. This will create a beautiful masterpiece.


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