How to Style a Tiny Room or Apartment

It’s a joy to decorate a room. The challenge often comes, however, from its limited floor area. Tiny rooms and apartments require some serious thinking before you can make them more functional without also making them look and feel cramped.

Here are some ways to make sure your tiny apartment looks a little less challenged for space.

Combine Light With Dark

Embrace light colours like white and pastels, but do not overdo it. It is an excellent idea to combine light and subtle colours with dark ones to give the apartment some depth. For example, if you have white walls, a dark sofa would be a good match.

Buy a sofa online here in Singapore and make decorating a lot more convenient. You can use dark colours to accentuate permanent parts of your apartment, too. For instance, paint your kitchen cabinet doors a dark shade if the counter is light-coloured.

Use Small Prints

If you want to enjoy the comfort of rugs and carpets, choose those with small prints, so they don’t look out of a place in a tiny space. The same can be said of wallpapers. If you must have rugs, though, make sure they are small enough, so they do not reach wall to wall.

Doing the opposite will make your place look even smaller, especially if the rug is dark or decorated with large prints. To separate sections of your apartment without adding doors, walls or dividers, use colour-coded carpets or rugs.

The contrasting colours will give the illusion of differentiation or at least signify a transition.

Make the Ceiling Look Higher

modern and stylish home

As you cannot make the floor expand, think about making the ceiling appear higher. One way to do this is by installing floor-to-ceiling curtains. It does not matter how big your windows are – or if there is even a window behind a curtain – such tall treatments can instantly draw the eye and trick it to thinking the place is roomier.

The same trick applies to wallpaper. Use wallpaper with thin, vertical lines stretching from the floor to the ceiling.

Use Glass and Mirrors

Mirrors are known for instantly adding the illusion of space. Do it tastefully, however, because if it’s an apartment you’re decorating, you can’t have mirrors just randomly placed like an afterthought. As for glass, if you want to separate sections of your apartment – say, for better energy efficiency – use clear glass instead of solid walls or dividers.

You can also work with the same principle if you want a bookcase to separate a section. Make sure the bookcase does not have a solid back that completely blocks the view.

Don’t Use Only Small Things

Whether it is a sofa or an antique cabinet, it’s a good idea to use a large one. That said, do not go large with everything, and don’t go all-small, either. Use a few large ones to go with the many small ones. The larger items will serve as accents and give the place a bit more character and style.

Tiny apartments and rooms might be a challenge to style and decorate, but making them look a bit more spacious and stylish should not be impossible. Follow these tips, and you will see the immediate difference.

The Author

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