Repairs & Maintenance

horizontal view of home with garage

5 Tips to Revamp Your Garage Into a Functional Space

Declutter and reorganize your garage to designate areas for specific items. Incorporate storage solutions such as shelving, bins and containers, overhead storage, wall-mounted storage, cabinets and lockers to maximize space. Utilize wall mounts and ceiling racks to hang items like tools and sports equipment. Install an overhead storage system to create extra floor space. Add

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4 Signs Your Home is Showing Its Age

• Aging homes can pose a risk to their inhabitants and are estimated to affect 10 million U.S. households. • Drafty windows and doors, peeling paint, worn-out flooring, and outdated fixtures are all signs of an aging home. • Electrical safety should also be considered when assessing a home’s age, and any issues should be

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Home renovation on facade

How To Transform Your Home Facade: Essential Tips

Install new windows and doors to improve the overall facade of your home while making it more energy efficient. Focus on necessary repairs such as painting the walls and replacing or repairing roof shingles. Add a decorative border around the entrance of your home for aesthetic interest. Include outdoor lighting for illumination and security and

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a nice house

Rainy Season Ahead: Major Home Maintenance You Should Do

Regardless of whether you believe in climate change or not, the fact remains that the weather is changing. And as the Earth becomes warmer, we see more extreme weather conditions, including longer and stronger rainy season NCEI has stated that in 2022, there have been nine weather/climate disaster events in the United States, with losses of

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A Couple Sitting Near the Wooden Table while Looking at the Document in Shocked Emotion

High Energy Bills? Here are 5 Reasons Why

Old appliances use more energy than newer models with Energy Star ratings. Turn off electronics when not in use, don’t just put them into standby mode. Signs that an appliance needs to be replaced include strange noises, leaks and odors. Switch to LED bulbs for lighting and install motion sensors or timers. Programmable thermostats help

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smart energy controller for home

5 Renovations to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Switch to renewable flooring materials such as bamboo or cork. Reduce energy usage with low-energy lighting solutions like LED bulbs, motion sensors, or timers. Create an eco-friendly landscaping plan that includes native plants, low-flow irrigation systems, and xeriscaping. Use door frames made from recycled materials and low-VOC paint for interior doors. Construct a green roof

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A father and his children

Common Problems Faced By New Families

•Finding a balance between parenting, relationships, and self-care is vital to successful family life. •Daycare can provide a beneficial outlet for children and parents alike. •Making time for each other as a couple is essential for strong marriages. •Communication and support are needed to help manage family issues. •Managing finances is a must to ensure

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couple excited for their house under construction

How to Build a Home That Lasts

Choose quality materials that are up to local building codes. Consider classic quartz countertops for the kitchen. Hire reliable contractors with research and get everything in writing. Be prepared for unexpected costs. Check the credentials and insurance policies of contractors. Use sustainable practices during construction.  ​ Building a home is a long and complicated process

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A modern bathroom design for small space

Creating Big Solutions with Small House Bathrooms

• Your bathroom should be comfortable and inviting, not cramped and cluttered.  • Investing in mirrors to create the illusion of a larger bathroom. • Built-in storage solutions like cabinets and shelves will help save floor space while giving you plenty of storage options.  • Pegboards and hooks are great for storing items that would

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house being renovated

How To Save Money on Major Home Renovations

Major home renovations can be a fantastic choice for anyone considering improving their house. They can boost the value of a property and make it more attractive and comfortable to live in. Renovations are excellent for those looking to create extra space or enhance existing space within their home. Whether you want to add a

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