Do-It-Yourself Ideas to Transform Your Backyard

girl gardening

Having a clean and warm home makes the guests happy; having a spruced up backyard makes them not want to leave. The outdoor space leaves so much potential to be unlocked, and the good news is, you don’t have to break the bank for it.

Build a Treehouse

You might need a few woodworking classes for this one, but it’s definitely going to be worth it. Of course, a tree in your backyard would be the first requirement, and if you’re lucky enough to have one, by all means, make use of it. A project like this could be a great bonding experience between you and your son or daughter.

Before you get started, make sure to get your hands on quality materials. It would be best to contact the most trusted timber and steel suppliers in Utah.

Install an Outdoor Fire Pit

Nights can get chilly here in Utah, but that shouldn’t keep you from spending a quiet night sitting outside with your family. Keep in mind that it might not be safe to just light up a bonfire because of the proximity to your house.

Instead, a deep enough hole in the ground lined with stones of your choice would make an excellent fire pit. This is easy, safe and extremely cozy with some lawn chairs, blankets, and cups of hot chocolate.

Cultivate Your Own Mini Garden

While you can’t grow everything you eat in your backyard, growing your own vegetables and herbs can be a lovely experience. Done correctly and it’s really easy on the eyes, too. After getting the basic gardening tools, create a border with a small fence where you plan to place your garden plots.

This can either be sections dug in the ground itself or wooden boxes filled with soil for a more manageable setup.

Establish Picnic Zone

You don’t need to go to the park to enjoy an afternoon picnic. You don’t even need to have a wooden picnic table, although one would certainly be nice. Set up an area where you can put tables and chairs, and possibly a grilling station.

It doesn’t get any simpler than that, and the change of scenery will be an enjoyable thing for people of all ages.

Design a Makeshift Amphitheater

Instead of gathering in the living room, why not build an amphitheater where meetings can be held? Fair warning: this will take quite a bit of work. You’ll need to dig out and level a sunken area which you’ll then line with rocks and gravel.

The next part would be doing the same thing for the seats, but with planks of plywood. Finally, apply a coat of varnish to seal the wood from the elements. Easy, right?

Set up a Glamping Tent

wood project

Some would say that “glamorous camping” is a silly idea that defeats the entire purpose of camping, but it’s a surefire way of adding some pizzazz to your backyard. A yurt would work much better than an actual tent, though. This could be a unique idea for a guest room, as well.

Get a proper bed in there along with some lamps and furniture, and you’ll have friends clamoring to try the experience in no time.

If you find yourself doing some of the other things on this list, you can add to the charm even more by simply hanging a bunch of string lights like it’s Christmas. There’s something beautiful in its simplicity, and you’ll wonder why people don’t do it more often.

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