Contemporary Living: How to Transform Your Old Utah Property into a Modernist Home

With 172 buildings registered with the National Register of Historic Places, Utah County is home to many old homes. These include the Wood-Harrison House (Springville), the Davis-Ercanbrack Farmstead (Orem), and Reed Smoot House (Provo).

Although old homes are a sight to behold and often have a piece of history built within their structures, it won’t hurt you to improve them with modern architecture-inspired elements. Modern architecture has an innovative and fresh take on home construction that will allow you to have more space and let in what is outside.

Here are some modern architectural styles and elements you should incorporate into your decades-old Utah property:

Gas Fireplace

If you’re looking to accentuate your home with contemporary features, you can start at the center: the fireplace. “Architects design fireplaces as the central interior feature of a house. They are (a) condensed version of its overall architecture, reflecting and complementing the interior and exterior designs,” says Uintah Fireplace and Design, a gas fireplace repair company in Salt Lake City.

For a modern take on space heating, you can choose a gas fireplace instead of a traditional wood-burning one. Modern gas fireplaces eliminate the need for wood, large spaces, and chimneys.

Additionally, modern gas fireplaces don’t require you to rebuild your home to achieve the masonry needed for traditional fireplaces. It means you can stick with a slick and minimalist design for your space heating needs.

Large Windows

modern home design with large windows

Large, floor-to-ceiling windows are one of the most common qualities of a modern home. The philosophy of a modernist architecture includes the incorporation of glass frameworks and rectangular shapes, both of which you can see in large windows. These window types bridge indoors and outdoors and add a contemporary touch to homes of any size. If you are looking to make your home appear brighter, larger, and more open, floor-to-ceiling windows can help you achieve this.

Flat Roofs

Modern architecture leaves unused spaces for future renovations – flat roofs, for example. Many modern houses are built with broad roofing that are slanted only at about 15° to allow for rain drainage. This kind of roof construction is visually appealing to many homeowners. They are also useful extensions of the home, serving as rooftop decks or rooftop gardens.

Minimalist Approach

Modern architects promote the minimalist approach to designing houses. They remove excessive ornaments and embrace simplicity and functionality of every detail of the structure. The method allows for open floor plans and fewer wall partitions. It also emphasizes views and entry of daylight with the less-is-more philosophy.

In terms of interior design, a minimalist house is characterized by trimming decorative details, eliminating visual noise, and retaining only the necessary and functional details of the area. Minimalist houses have a sense of calmness, order, and clarity in them.

Introducing modern architectural elements in your old Utah home does not mean eliminating the history of the building. It means that while you preserve your home, you also improve it with a fresh and innovative take on home renovation.

The Author

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