Home Improvements for Eco-Friendly Living

hands surrounding the miniature house

• Invest in energy-efficient appliances with the Energy Star label to help reduce electricity usage and carbon footprint.

• Low-flow appliances, such as toilets, showerheads, and taps, can save up to 7,000 gallons of water annually. 

• Solar panels benefit home improvements as they use natural energy from the sun, reducing your monthly energy bills. 

• Install eco-friendly insulation materials such as cork, fiberglass, and hemp to reduce heat loss and VOC emissions.

Taking a step to become an eco-friendly homeowner can be as simple as making a few home improvements. You can make many small home improvements to reduce your carbon footprint and start living more sustainably. From energy-efficient appliances to eco-friendly insulation, here are some home improvements that will help you live an environmentally friendly life.

Energy Efficient Appliances

One of the simplest ways to become eco-friendly is by investing in energy-efficient appliances. These appliances use less electricity than traditional models. They can drastically reduce your monthly energy bills while reducing your carbon footprint. Here are ways to know if an appliance is energy efficient:

Look for Low Flow Appliances

Low-flow appliances are designed to use less water than traditional counterparts, reducing your household’s water usage. Low-flow toilets, showerheads, and taps can reduce water waste and save money on your monthly utility bills. Switching to low-flow appliances saves around 2,300 gallons of water annually.

Look for the Energy Star Label

An Energy Star Label is the most reliable way to know if an appliance is energy efficient. Appliances with this label must pass strict efficiency requirements, so you can be sure they will perform well using less electricity than traditional models. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certifies appliances at least 10-15% more energy-efficient than standard models.

Solar Panels

Investing in solar panels is one of the most beneficial home improvements you can make. Solar panels convert the sun’s rays into electricity and can drastically reduce your monthly energy bills. Solar panels have a high upfront cost but come with state and federal tax credits to offset the expense.

Invest in Appliances with Timers or Sleep Modes

If you fall asleep easily watching TV or forget to turn off the lights, investing in appliances with timers and sleep modes can effectively conserve energy. These appliances can be programmed to automatically turn off after a pre-set amount of time, so you don’t have to worry about leaving anything on when you’re not home.

A woman sitting on a sofa, using a remote to control an air conditioning temperature

Eco-Friendly Insulation

Another great way to improve the environmental friendliness of your home is with eco-friendly insulation materials. Many traditional insulation materials contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which can be hazardous and damaging to the environment if not disposed of properly. Here are some of the most eco-friendly insulation materials that you can use in your home:

Cork Insulation

Cork insulation is made from recycled cork, so it’s an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their environmental impact. It’s extremely durable, mold-resistant, and can provide excellent thermal performance. And since it is recycled, it’s also an affordable option.

Fiberglass Insulation

Fiberglass insulation is made from recycled glass and can provide superior thermal performance using fewer resources than traditional insulation materials. It’s also easy to install and has a low environmental impact, making it an excellent choice for eco-friendly homeowners.

Hemp Insulation

Hemp insulation is made from hemp fibers and is a natural renewable resource. It’s a great way to reduce carbon footprint while providing superior thermal performance. Hemp insulation is also mold and mildew resistant, making it an ideal choice for those looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Upgrading the Garage

Two professionals, upgrading a garage door

Your house garage can be a breeding ground for heat and energy loss. This results in an increase in your energy bills and carbon emissions. To reduce these losses, you can upgrade the garage with eco-friendly materials designed to help keep heat out of your home. Here are some tips for an eco-friendly garage upgrade:

Switch to an Overhead Door

Overhead garage doors are designed to be more energy efficient than traditional ones. They can help keep heat from entering your home. They also come with insulation and sealant that helps reduce air infiltration, making them an ideal choice for eco-friendly homeowners.

Install New Lights

Installing new LED lights in your garage can drastically reduce the amount of electricity you use. LED lights are more energy-efficient and last much longer than traditional bulbs, so you don’t have to worry about replacing them as often. You can also install motion sensors, so the lights only turn on when you enter the garage, ensuring minimal energy usage.

Making a small step now can help you reduce your carbon footprint and save money on energy bills in the long run. Investing in eco-friendly home improvements is a great way to live more sustainably. This way, you can be sure your home is comfortable, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

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