Making Your School More Attractive to Potential Students and Parents

Parents and students alike flock to schools during application and enrolment periods. Aside from actual registration, one of the reasons why they do so is to see if they match criteria. Schools are businesses as well, so they also compete for the attention of their customers which, in this case, are their students and their parents.

Nowadays, it’s easy to promote a school with a simple post on social media, but it takes more than hype to make them come and stick around. There are many actions that you can take to increase the number of future students, and here are some of the most useful ways to make those numbers soar.


The school building is a testament to an educational facility’s stability and preparedness. Over the years there have been innovations on the way buildings are designed architecturally, but no one can deny the classic look of a school that has stood the test of time.

Most likely you’ll be working in an already-existing structure, so the best way to make it look presentable for people is to maintain its cleanliness and order. Proper and constant maintenance should be employed even during vacations because if they’re left unchecked, facilities and other amenities in the school may degrade in quality.

Make the most out of breaks by conducting inspections on the parts that need repair or replacement and asking for the help of professional commercial construction services.


One aspect of a school that makes it more attractive to potential students is the curriculum. Based on statistics, there’s a 15–20% chance of making bigger progress overall if the school’s curriculum is regularly checked, reviewed, and revised as necessary.

In today’s fast-changing world, there are suitable jobs and future careers that pop up in various industries so parents and students will definitely look into what the school has to offer when it comes to the path they want to take.

A school must be willing to adapt to changing needs as well as modernize the technology in its facilities. There should also be a continuous improvement on the way the school handles enrolments. As much as possible, eliminate long queues and other inconveniences.

Critical Response

kids in school

Of course, all of this preparation wouldn’t make sense without the approval of the people who will soon attend your school and enroll. It’s vital that you reach out to them with more than just advertisements.

What you can do is ask for their opinions regarding the current state and reputation of the school and what you can do as an educational institution to improve their learning experience. Being able to get a third-person view is important if you want to increase your chances of getting more students to enroll to your school.

Schools are considered to be the second home of their students. And as a home that truly cares for its inhabitants, you have to put their well-being and development on a higher priority than anything else. Moreover, it will be to your benefit if these things would be done on a regular basis to keep that sense of consistency.

The Author

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