Repairs & Maintenance

pest control professional

A Bug of a Dilemma: The Most Common Household Pests to Look Out For

Several pests have been the bane of man since time immemorial. They don’t only cause continuous trouble and inconveniences but also sickness and death in extreme cases. Many pests never stop in causing trouble much to the irritation of the one who is unlucky enough to have them in their place of work and most

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Worker installing solar panels

How to Install a Solar Panel in Utah: 3 Major Steps

Utah is one of the states with the lowest costs of installing solar panels, making it a prime spot for homeowners to take advantage of solar energy. According to EnergySage, in the first half of 2017, the average cost of solar panels in Utah was $3.26 per watt, way below the national average of $3.39

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epoxy flooring work in the site

How Epoxy Flooring Can Make Your Property Shine

Seven coats—that is the typical response you will get when you ask about epoxy floor coating in Salt Lake City. That may sound costly and time-consuming, but this type of flooring system is extremely reliable and always worth the investment. Of course, it is important to make a good impression, and a flooring makeover is imminent when things

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Calculator, coins and bills

Cut Costs and Save: 3 Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Your energy bill goes up for a variety of reasons. You may have old appliances that aren’t energy-efficient. You may also be using new digital devices longer than necessary. An accurate way to figure out why your monthly bills are rising is to get an energy audit. A professional assessment can determine behavior that may

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an electrician

Signs You Need to Improve Your Home’s Wiring System

Your electrical system is an important part of your home. While it is supposedly designed to last, you need to understand that it will need some updating from time to time. This is something that you should remember, especially if your electrical system is already old. Do not be too confident that it will stand

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HVAC system

Proper Balancing of Building HVAC Systems for Optimal Efficiency

Recent developments in building technology are insisting on green building more than they did even a decade ago. There is a constant focus on energy-efficient living spaces, and all stakeholders are embracing this move. That, however, has been putting a lot of pressure on builders to meet industry standards and still make buildings functional. But, all that is

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fixing the pipes

Increase the Service Life of Your Plumbing System

Plumbing systems are like faithful servants who do their job without questions to make your life easy and comfortable. The pipes will deliver clean hot and cold water to all the taps in the home, while others will drain away the dirty waste water from the house. Unless something goes wrong and the system breaks

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Worker plastering the home foundation

Earthquake Preparedness: Secure Your Home’s Foundation

Earthquakes occur as many times as you can imagine. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that 500,000 detectable earthquakes occur worldwide every year. You can’t feel all of them, but some earthquakes can cause serious damage. It’s important to ensure that your home can withstand such a calamity. Determining Foundation Problems One way to prepare

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